So, I decided to switch it up a bit and go for something a little bolder in my classroom decor this year! Yep… I did

I was so torn, so many themes to choose… but in the end the Dinos won.
Most simply because all of my baskets and organizers are green!
The dinos are cut from insulation styrofoam, and then painted by yours truly.
They make the room POP!
I decided to carry the green and orange theme throughout the room.
I found this great orange chevron fabric at Wal-Mart! I love it!
If you notice, I have these weird columns in the middle of the room. I wrapped them in the fabric.
I love that, too!
Green polka dot and orange chevron themed wasn’t all that easy to find in the teaching store,
so I ended up making my own ABC chart and buntings to match.
This is my writing “gallery” as I like to call it.
Kiddos display their published writing in the “frame” when it is completed.
I like it because I can see who has finished and who has not.
They are just page protectors that are taped (at the top) with packing tape
onto black, laminated construction paper. These have held up for going on three years now… a few need new labels and are a bit beat up, but once the writing is in there you can’t really tell!
I also MADE this bulletin board from foam core. Stay tuned for my Made it Monday post about that. 🙂
Finally, I wouldn’t be ready for “Meet the Teacher” without goody bags! I ordered these ADORABLE
chevron bags from Dyan’s Cupcake Couture. I found her on Etsy. They were perfect! They come in tons of colors in both chevron and polka dot. Excellent service and fast shipping. Definitely will buy some more!
I added the dinosaur label. 🙂
I added the dinosaur label. 🙂
Each one had a little treat, a dinosaur puzzle, and a pencil inside.
I think the kiddos really were excited about them!
I think the kiddos really were excited about them!
Well… that is about it for now. I have LOTS of planning to do-a-roo!
I am SUPER excited for this year!!!
I am SUPER excited for this year!!!