A big thanks to Marie from Hands on Teacher in First for organizing this linky. It is forcing me to get my rear in gear. I have a nightstand full of books I have been collecting for summer reads and need to get busy!
I am so excited to be part of two book studies this summer…the first is for the book Notice and Note. It is being hosted by Dilly Dabbles. This book takes a close look at close reading. We were all about close reading this year, and I am excited to see how others interpret and implement this reading strategy.
The second book study good ‘ol Teach-A-Roo is doing is Laney Sammon’s Guided Math Conferences. This one looks like a great addition to any math teacher’s repertoire.

Then I have a few more teaching books I bought to tag along with some fellow blogger buddies…

And finally, a few non-teaching related books. I don’t read many “grown-up” books (other than cookbooks) but I do like to keep up on my children’s literature. These look like fun and were highly recommended.
So these will keep me busy for awhile, I’m sure. What are you reading this summer?