Happy National Peanut Butter Day!!
This week I was tasked with working on a close reading of functional and informational text. I needed to incorporate main idea, text features, and vocabulary. No problem! Actually, it was! I usually end up trolling TPT or making my own resources, which I do enjoy. This time, I got busy. This one turned out to be a gem! Here is a breakdown of what we did!
Day One: I introduced the text features by showing them several non-fiction books and making an anchor chart. We are focusing on table of contents, glossary, bold words, and using charts. One of my amazing teammates gave me a tip to sacrifice a few books for my chart to show real examples. I also have a naked peanut butter jar lurking in my pantry somewhere. EEKS!

Next, we added the text-feature foldables to our interactive notebooks. The students took notes about the four main text features.
It was a busy day, but the learning was so purposeful… and FUN!
Day Two: Today, we started our close read of our booklet. We were focusing on vocabulary and finding the meaning of “grown up” words. The kids LOVED highlighting words, and were so quick to point out the text features. We will chunk our reading into small parts over the next few days. I will alternate reading aloud, as well.
Day Three: On the third day, we did our second reading looking for main ideas and asking questions. I chose to focus on the George Washington Carver part. We talked about the facts from the text and completed this in our notebooks. (Yes! I do have a chalkboard in my room! I’m so RETRO cool !!)
Day Four: We focused on the recipe and sequencing. We sang the Peanut Butter, Jelly song and read the poem. The students read the recipe and practiced their skills by making mini-sandwiches. I had the kiddos use crackers instead of bread which was cheaper and a lot less messy. THEY LOVED IT!!
Day Five: On our final day, we re-read our books for fluency, and talked about the nutritional chart. For independent practice, they answered the questions from the book. Early finishers completed the main idea & details booklet. So cute! It was a great, engaging week.
If you are interested in my Peanut Butter, Jelly Time packet, click the picture below. It includes a printable student booklet, anchor chart ideas, printables, and all of interactive notebook pieces shown. Not into interactive notebooks? There are printable worksheets also! It was great fun! Check it out!
Happy PB & J-ing!