Welcome! I’m Teach-A-Roo!
I help primary teachers like you marry standards with engaging, rigorous, and fun learning experiences for all learners. I have been teaching and mentoring in a Title I, K-8 setting for almost 30 years. I am a literacy and STEAM enthusiast and try to bring art, music, storytelling, and science together in meaningful, standards-based lessons in my real-life first grade classroom.
Groundhogs Make Me Giggle!
I don't know why, but I just think Groundhog Day is fun. I don't spend a lot of teaching time on it, but I do like to read my class a story or two and talk about shadows and winter. Even that is pretty funny, because here in Arizona it will be in the upper...
Getting to the Heart of Black History Month + Freebie!
Black History Month is just around the corner! February is a short and busy month so I try to get more bang for my buck with this Valentine-ish Black History Month bulletin board. I love it because I can leave it up the whole month! It drives me CrAzY to...
Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday – Freebie!
I've gotta admit... I really miss my kiddos. I really do have the sweetest class. Don't get me wrong, I've had an amazing and relaxing break. I'm so off of my schedule, so next week is going to be a little brutal, but seeing those toothless grins is always a great...
We have Send Home Science Kits for holidays and every day! Check them out here!

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