Welcome! I’m Teach-A-Roo!
I help primary teachers like you marry standards with engaging, rigorous, and fun learning experiences for all learners. I have been teaching and mentoring in a Title I, K-8 setting for almost 30 years. I am a literacy and STEAM enthusiast and try to bring art, music, storytelling, and science together in meaningful, standards-based lessons in my real-life first grade classroom.
Ocean Friends
Happy Sunday Blog Buddies!Well, for me today is the last day of summer vacation. I have a smattering of trainings throughout the week,then back full time next week. I haven't been in my classroom at all this summer, but left it in pretty good shape... I hope! (Or I am...
Whole Class Writing Journals!
Howdy everyone! I got my back to school letter in the mail this week... so I guess it is official. My summer is coming to a close. Is it weird that I LOVE all of the back to school displays in the stores? They make me giddy! Seriously exciting! I just finished...
Alphabet Stamp Storage Idea!
Hello bloggy friends! Summer has been super busy and super HOT here in the southwest. Just wanted to share a quickie idea with you. I have acquired a few alphabet stamp sets here and there over the past few years, and LOVE this storage idea which was shared by a...
We have Send Home Science Kits for holidays and every day! Check them out here!

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