Welcome! I’m Teach-A-Roo!
I help primary teachers like you marry standards with engaging, rigorous, and fun learning experiences for all learners. I have been teaching and mentoring in a Title I, K-8 setting for almost 30 years. I am a literacy and STEAM enthusiast and try to bring art, music, storytelling, and science together in meaningful, standards-based lessons in my real-life first grade classroom.
Peanut Butter, Jelly TIME! Using Functional and Informational Text in the Classroom
Happy National Peanut Butter Day!! This week I was tasked with working on a close reading of functional and informational text. I needed to incorporate main idea, text features, and vocabulary. No problem! Actually, it was! I usually end up trolling TPT or making...
Ten Tools Every Teacher Needs in Their Classroom
So, let's face it. Sometimes if you want something done, you just have to do it yourself, right? On my campus we haven't had full-time custodial help in a long time and besides... I am a bit impatient. If I decide I want a job done, I usually just figure...
Martin Luther King Jr. Timeline Activity
We have been learning all about Martin Luther King Jr. this week with a lot of fun activities. One of the class favorites was comparing brown eggs and white eggs. We observed the outsides of the eggs and and how they looked different. Once cracked open, the...
We have Send Home Science Kits for holidays and every day! Check them out here!

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