A Bundle of Sticks- Classbuilding
So my year is off and running and my class did our first close reading activity with Aesop's fable "A Bundle of Sticks." I thought it was a great little story to introduce fables (2.RL.2) and also to bring in a little character education at the beginning of...

Back to School Sale!! Whoot!!
Whoooo-Hoo! It is time for the big Back to School Sale at TPT! (AKA... time to clear out my wishlist!)Don't tell my hubby, ok? Today some bloggers have joined together to do a "Best and Most" of our products for the BTS sale. It is kind of like...

Class Writing Journals Set #3- Persuasive and Opinion Writing!
I have had so much awesome feedback on my first two sets of Class Writing Journals, that I added one more set to the mix. I am SUPER proud of these! With the big push in Common Core for students to explain their ideas and reinforce their opinions with...

Dino-Mite Classroom Reveal!
So, I decided to switch it up a bit and go for something a little bolder in my classroom decor this year! Yep... I did DINOSAURS!! I was so torn, so many themes to choose... but in the end the Dinos won. Most simply because all of my baskets and organizers are green!...

Class Writing Journals- Set #2 Using Informational Text!!
Boy howdy, am I excited about these!! Based on feedback from buyers, I made another set of Class Writing Journals, but this time they focus on INFORMATIONAL writing. It's like I am getting the kids to write mini-reports without them knowing. Kinda...

Ticket Out the Door- Throwback Thursday
Earlier this summer a sweet lady named Brenda from Georgia tracked me down about my "Ticket Out the Door" sign. She wanted to make one in pink. I asked her to send me a pic and she did! Now... I gotta admit.. I think it is way cuter than mine!!! She used...

A Happy School is A HAPPENING School- Linky Party!!!
I am so excited to be hosting my FIRST linky party! Come join the fun!! I have been a member of our school's climate committee for over 10 years, and we have done some pretty neat things to raise staff and student morale. I also work with a pretty creative set of...

Clip Chart Reward Box
I am SO excited!!! I FINALLY found the PERFECT box to hold all of my clip chart rewards. I have been keeping them in a yucky shoe box. I wish I had snapped a picture, but maybe it is better I didn't! My box was functional, but not pretty. It...

Teach Like A Pirate Chapters 18 & 19- Finding A Crew & Finding Treasure
What an exciting adventure this book study has been! I am so sad to see it end. It has been so thrilling to read and reflect along with all of the wonderful teacher-bloggers, each adding their own perspective and experiences. Thanks to Gina and Jennifer for all their...

My Clip Chart- The Nuts and Bolts
It is Throwback Thursday, and I thought it was a good time to share more about the clip chart system I use in my classroom. The last time I blogged about my clip chart was shortly after I started using it, and I can say it is still the most powerful management tool I...