Welcome! I’m Teach-A-Roo!
I help primary teachers like you marry standards with engaging, rigorous, and fun learning experiences for all learners. I have been teaching and mentoring in a Title I, K-8 setting for almost 30 years. I am a literacy and STEAM enthusiast and try to bring art, music, storytelling, and science together in meaningful, standards-based lessons in my real-life first grade classroom.
Bully- A Great Book About Bullying
This week I wanted to share another nearly wordless book that speaks volumes. Has anyone read the book Bully by Laura Vaccaro Seegar? If not, you need to put it on your back to school shopping list!! It is such a great book for teaching about bullies and how the...
Bugs in My Hair! If you can’t beat them, TEACH them, right?
Thanks to Deanna for another week of great books! BUGS IN MY HAIR!!!! First off, I want to say that I love David Shannon. I just love his style of illustrating. In his new book, Shannon covers a topic that people don't generally think of happily- HEAD LICE!! Yes....
Notice and Note- Session 9
Assessment and the Signposts and Questions You Might HaveI am so excited because this is the chapter that I get to host- Assessment and the Signposts and Questions You May Have. Let's start with assessment. It's everywhere isn't it? I was pleased when one...
We have Send Home Science Kits for holidays and every day! Check them out here!

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