Welcome! I’m Teach-A-Roo!
I help primary teachers like you marry standards with engaging, rigorous, and fun learning experiences for all learners. I have been teaching and mentoring in a Title I, K-8 setting for almost 30 years. I am a literacy and STEAM enthusiast and try to bring art, music, storytelling, and science together in meaningful, standards-based lessons in my real-life first grade classroom.
Back to School Sale!! Whoot!!
Whoooo-Hoo! It is time for the big Back to School Sale at TPT! (AKA... time to clear out my wishlist!)Don't tell my hubby, ok? Today some bloggers have joined together to do a "Best and Most" of our products for the BTS sale. It is kind of like...
Class Writing Journals Set #3- Persuasive and Opinion Writing!
I have had so much awesome feedback on my first two sets of Class Writing Journals, that I added one more set to the mix. I am SUPER proud of these! With the big push in Common Core for students to explain their ideas and reinforce their opinions with...
Dino-Mite Classroom Reveal!
So, I decided to switch it up a bit and go for something a little bolder in my classroom decor this year! Yep... I did DINOSAURS!! I was so torn, so many themes to choose... but in the end the Dinos won. Most simply because all of my baskets and organizers are green!...
We have Send Home Science Kits for holidays and every day! Check them out here!

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